How To Clean Dyson Canister Filter – Discover The Brand New Filter

Have you ever noticed filter plays a major role every time while we vacuum?
Because it processes all the dirt, debris, and dust. As a result, it consumes them all.
And the challenging part is... if the filter gets stuck somehow. Then the vacuum automatically losses the suction. As a result of this, we don't get the expected clean we want.
So in this article, you'd learn how to How to clean dyson canister filter. So it stays complete dust-free ...and provide you the suction you always wanted. Let’s begin.

How To Clean Dyson Canister Filter Following This Easiest Steps

Before we jump into this real quick I just want to inform you that... Follow the below step by step instruction and get your canister filter completely fresh in a few minutes.

Obviously there are other ways people do clean the filter.
But we discover it potential especially for Dyson filter.
And the good news is Dyson themselves recommend this instruction…

Step #1:
First, turn off your canister vacuum.
If the vacuum is connected with the wall or any kind of electric socket disconnect now and avoid all the risk.

Step #2:
Open the Internal Filter using the Blue tab.
Just slide it and got your filter open to clean

Open the Internal Filter

Step# 3
Now wash the canister filter using completely cold water.

Obviously, sometimes little dust joins along with the Dyson filter. Don’t bother by it. Just clean thoroughly. It doesn’t take you hours only a few minutes that's all.

After cleaning the filter it looks like this…

Dyson filter

Step# 4

When you completely wash your filter now let it dry.
People sometimes make a huge mistake they just wash the filter and start using it within an hour.

Never ever do that. It will ruin your filter.
Dry it for at least 24 four hours.
If you think vacuuming is the emergency work today please do it tomorrow to save your filter.

Note: Remember, do not keep the fitter near any kind of naked flame or microwave. It will burn the filter in no time.

How Often Should I Clean The Filter?

It almost 90% of the time completely depends on how regularly you use the vacuum ...and the type of messes you clean.
People get confused to clean the filter.
Sometimes they don know. Other times they don’t pay attention to the user manual.

Before we get started I just want to let you know that clean filter after a heavy-duty vacuuming session, such as large home cleaning.
Some folks clean the filter after 3 months.
Other clean it once a year.

Actually, there is NO exact rules or prescription for that.
Because everyone using vacuum their personal preference.
So you do follow your way and do it while necessary.
But do not let the dust, dirt, and insider messes to damage your filter anymore.

The Potential Advantages Of Cleaning Filter

Cleaning filters have some crucial advantages for every one of the vacuum. The interesting part is nowadays we can't think about a vacuum without a filter. And it also should be clean properly.

Now see below what are the potential advantages you can get along with the clean filter.

Appropriate Suction: 

Filter often influences the suction. If the filter is not properly clean it ruin the suction capacity, as a result, you would get a poor result.

Produce Healthy Air: 

When your filter is completely clean it will naturally produce the healthy air. And especially we need it for children, for the elderly person as well as every one of the family members at home.

Stop Bad Smells:

Sometimes the vacuum produces really bad smells that annoying. To stop the bad smells the thing you have to do is clean the filter. You would see there are not any more bad smells whatever you clean.

Kill Allergenic Problem: 

As you know our environment is surrounded by bacteria, microns and so many small elements that human eyes unable to see.

But it causes an allergic problem as well as other diseases too. So when your vacuum filter is clean. It will filter properly as a result you will face no allergic challenge and stay healthy every way.

Increate The Machine Longevity:

As you notice the filter is one of the most significant parts of the vacuum then I just want to inform you that... it also increases the longevity of a vacuum. Why?

Because the more clean your filter is the more precisely it will work …and the more smoothly the vacuum work the longer it will serve you more.

Finally, you might get a pure understanding of how to clean a Dyson canister filter.

If your family member or relatives don’t know how to do it even if they have the canister guide them this way.

So they also get the same advantages as you get.

Give it a shot and keep your filter clean all the time to generate a more secure and fresh vacuum every way you want.

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