How To Clean Shark Vacuum Filter

How To Clean Shark Vacuum Filter Like An Expert

It doesn't matter whether you bought an expensive vacuum or the cheaper one. The filter requires to clean more often.

When you forget to clean it, then the poor suction is guaranteed.
Most people pay attention to the quality vacuum first.
Which is very crucial.

But maintaining it, keeping it effective, and useful takes energy and care.
...It's also important for increasing suction capacity. Because when your vacuum gets stuck with a lot of dust it decreases the suction capacity.
So be relax, follow the instruction, and get your filter absolute clean..

The Easiest Most Painless Way To Clean Shark Vacuum Filter

Before we get started I just want to let you know that only watching and understanding the instruction wouldn’t help you so far.
Just follow the instruction and do it yours.
Finally, you will realize how easy it to clean the shark filter.

Step #1:

Makes sure your vacuum is already Unplug.
Because often people do mistakes they start working with the electric machine but don’t care about the plug. It's a life threat. So any time anywhere you're working with any form of electric device unplug it or turn it off.

Plugin Shark Vacuum

Step #2:

Remove the dust container from the vacuum main body following the indicated tab.

Shark Vacuum

Step #3:

Now you'd see the shark filter underneath the dust cup. Just remove it using your finger.
You have two filters there. One is a foam filter and the other is a felt filter.

Cleaning Shark Vacuum

Step #4:
So when you got both filters now it's time to wash. Use cold water and clean very carefully.

Make sure there is no dirt left with the filter whatsoever.
Because every time you clean the filter if the dust leaves there then you'd need to clean it again.

Another thing I want you to remember that make it dried fully.
Because most of the time it takes 24 hours to completely dry. Sometimes more.

So you've to confirm that your filter is completely dry before the next use.

Air Dry 24 hours

The Potential Advantages of Cleaning 

The Vacuum Filter

As you read this and start getting excited about what i have to say to keep your vacuum clean... I just simply request you to pay attention to some of the crucial structural mechanism first.

Because if you ever fail to understand what the clean filter does then it may cause you a lot more frustration.

As a result, you would miss the potential advantages of the vacuum.
So understand those now and be prepared in advance.

1. Prevent the poor suction:

Have you ever experience the vacuum clogged so whatever you want to vacuum your machine doesn’t work?
It happens quite often.

Obviously, there are multiple reasons are involved with this but the expert said... "most of the vacuum most of the time clogged for the dirty filter."


Because when the versatile germs are tightly get involved inside the filter. It automatically losses power. So you'd not get the proper suction for this.

But the clean filter does the opposite and you just move forward at your own pace.

2. Transform the lifetime:

Users have so many objections, claims, and negative views while they plan to use the vacuum for long years but it doesn’t live that long.
And irregularly cleaning the filter one of the reasons for that.

Because any electric machine you buy it demands the proper care. The filter is a real big part of the vacuum that always deals with every type of mess.

But if it doesn’t clean the way your machine needs... Then all the messes make party inside the filter and destroy without asking you.
So make sure the fresh filter and influence the long life of your vacuum.

3. Clean without obstacle:

Cleaning through an obstacle is annoying all the time.
It takes more energy, more time, and produces shockingly poor results.
Because when the problem leaves inside the vacuum. It will show you so many signs and indications. Such as not picking up the dirt, debris, strains. Avoid hairy elements like pet’s hair, human hair, etc.

And unfortunately it’s all connected to the filtration process. That’s why every vacuum designed with a filter.

And a quality filter always conclude the quality performance.
So whenever you want an obstacle-free cleaning journey... Make sure your filter has the capacity to do it well.

4. Save your money in advance:

I see almost nobody pays attention to the money after buying a vacuum.
Let me ask you this question... How much you spend on your current shark vacuum?

How often you change the vacuum?

Do you believe in long-term use or for a while and buy a new vacuum?
Remember the less you care about the current filter... The faster you need a new vacuum and that costs you the same or higher.

And it’s your decision that you want the current one last long or waste your money over and over.

5. Take the enjoyable experience:

Cleaning the house is the most common thing to do everywhere we live.
But unfortunately, it's not so easy if you’re vacuum is not properly functioned and well maintained.

It can be more pain in the ass when you start working with your vacuum but it works opposite.

And you know what... Clean filter sometime will help you to vacuum without a single pain. And you'd experience very enjoyable journey you have ever had before.


Finally, when you carefully read this you got your shark filter clean every way you wanted.
Now you may ask... Can I use the same process for every type of shark vacuum?
Obviously not all time.

But the good news is... you have an indicator of opening every shark filter.

That allows you to simply open the filter and clean.

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