How To Clean Shark Vacuum Hose – Get Brand New Hose NOW!

Are you struggling with cleaning the vacuum hose?
Would you like to know how to clean Shark vacuum hose that acts like and a brand new one?

Be relax.
This article will show you exactly so you’d able to clean the vacuum hose like an expert.

People use a different process for cleaning the hose.
Its a completely unique process from most of the folks. We follow this because we found it extremely easy and very effective as well as hygienic for everyone.
And you don’t need to buy anything else for this. Your common home tools are ready to clean the hose whenever you want. Let's begin…

How to clean shark vacuum hose Like A Professional?

Before we jump into the cleaning procedure I want you to make sure all the tools you need you have right in front of you.
Because I don't want you to worry about the tools while you clean.
It's just some simple tools that that most of the people have at home.
Now you'll need...

1. A full warm bowl water with soap.
2. A Broom handle.
3. A short cloth.

When you have all the tools now follow-through the instruction below…


warm soapy water

Take your full bowl of warm soapy water. Keep the shark hose inside water for at least an hour.
It will simply loosen the strong stains and dirt anything inside with the hose.
Remember this is the first process that allows the hose to get the most of the clean.
And you must mix up the soap and water adequately. So it will easily loosen all the dirt from the hose.

Step# 2

washing warm soapy water

Now take the broom handle and put it inside the hose for the first try. See if it matches the handle quite tightly. Don't worry if it doesn't tightly fix with the handle.
Now take the cloth and wet it entirely with the soapy water. When it completely rinse off then place it on the broom handle and put the hose above the cloth.

Step #3

broom handle

Now keep the cloth aside and work with the water only.
Take the head and lower part of the hose and fill it with the warm soap water.
Now move the hose strongly so any dust inside the hose already loosen up can easily wash.
Remove the water take new water and repeat the process.

Step# 4

washing handle

After washing the hose inside with water then again put the cloth on the broom head.
Guide the hose inside and see how much dirt you get now.
If you still get the dirt on the cloth then repeat this process several times and a few minutes later you'd see the dirt or stains completely run away.
Sometimes it takes time because the hose went through all the dust, dirt, and debris.
If you take so long to clean the shark hose. It consumes more of it. And following this process, you'd get the new looking fresh hose.

Step# 5

dry hose

Finally when the hose cleaning is done now is the time to get it dry.
Do not use it before completely dry.


Because if you start vacuum with a watery hose. It will instantly consume all the dirt and get clogged ...and you need to clean it again within a few days. Some people make this huge mistake they just start using a vacuum after cleaning the hose.

Remember none of the vacuum parts work well along with water.
You have to dry it whether it hose ...or filter ...or any other material before use. When it completely dry you are ready to jump on the battle.

When Do I Need To Clean The Shark Hose?

Each and every time you use vacuum consider it machine first. And it works the way it designed and programmed.
Every vacuum can misbehave some different ways. But when it comes to the hose some common signs conclude to clean your shark hose to make it behave well.

The first thing you would notice the suction losses.
If your vacuum hose heavily gets packed with the mess inside it will automatically losses the suction.

Secondly, notice if it misses the dirt, hair, or any other similar thing.
A vacuum easily misses the common elements when the hose gets clogged. Because it's unable to work and clogged prevent the vac to work smoothly.

Finally, see if it generate bad smells.

Because when you notice carefully after a long period while you do not clean the hose properly it will start producing bad smells. That also lets you know it demands to clean for working perfectly.

So these are the common element we found most of the time into the hose. Sometimes you would get more signs and other times it less. Make sure your hose working well so you get the hose to vacuum nicely.

How Often One Should Clean The Vacuum Hose?

It mostly depends on your regular cleaning activities. People often say you must clean your shark hose once a month.

But experience shows... You don't need to. Because some of the users have a short home and have a little amount of dirt.

And if you think you just use your vacuum once a week sometimes less than that. You can wash your hose a little less every two months.

But if you regularly use the vacuum and find it clogged sometimes. Then I highly recommend you to clean it at least once a month for a better experience.

What Would Happen If I Clean The Hose Regularly?

You might already understand why it important to clean the shark hose. Now I want you to remember that there are multiple advantages you will get. When you keep fresh you vacuum hose it will…
Works smoothly and clean your mess every way it is designed.
Helps the overall machine and improves the performance of the vacuum.
Pick up dust, dirt, debris, pollen, particle, very quickly.
Improve the overall vacuum life.
Never produce bad smell or get clogged whatsoever.

So now finally you might understand how to clean shark vacuum hose. You also know WHEN you need to clean your hose and WHY you should do it quite often.
And before we finish I just tell you not to confuse with so many strategies.
Just simply follow the instruction you got here and be your shark boss all years long.

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